Buddha of Compassion.
Chenrezig / Avalokitesvara, Buddha of Compassion.
Until the Heart of Enlightenment: A Sadhana of the Lord of Compassion.
Buddha Chenrezig.
Space is filled with infinite beings like reflections of the moon in water. Each of these beings has no inherent actual existence but are merely the ornaments of wisdom bliss. Due to adventitious stains the clarity wisdom of Dharmdhatu is lost and beings wander lost in endless miserable fixations. Due to the ceaseless rays of wisdom love shinning for the hearts of all Buddhas the Skillful methods of the path of Vajrayana can swiftly lead one beyond the endarkening turmoil of samsara into the starry night beauty of the fully enlightened state.
From today, and for every day,
For as long as space endures
For precious beings without number,
In the three roots I take refuge.
From this moment, for every moment,
For as long as space endures,
For precious beings without number,
I rouse the Heart of Bodhicitta.
From now until enlightenment,
Is realized by every being,
This great compassion without end,
Will remain my motivation.
In the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, and noble Guru union of all these, I go for refuge.
In the Three Roots, Guru, Deva and Dakini, I go for refuge.
In the natural clarity of awareness, the intrinsic dharmakaya, I go for refuge.
Remembering this visualize a the stem of a white lotus growing form your crown, and everyone’s crown. This lotus is immaculate and beautiful white and on it a shimmering moon disk sits. Upon this is the syllable HRI. (When Amitabha cried tears from his impartial love for all beings rays of shimmering light emanated from the wisdom magic of these manifestations of compassion. The rays of light formed the syllables HRI and TAM becoming Chenrezig and Tara.)
Upon the moon appears a HRI and this sends out light to all directions touching the hearts of all Buddhas making offerings which satisfy your commitment and rouses and focuses the unlimited, impartial, intentionless of the Buddhas which flows back into the HRI as blessings causing it to become Chenrezig.
Upon the crown of my own head,
And that of every precious being,
A lotus white with purity
and a moon seat, glowing bright.
From HRI appears the charming victor,
Chenrezig, the Lord of Love
Enfolded in great wisdom brilliance,
Manifest supreme compassion.
Cherezig is beautiful beyond anything you could imagine. He is 16 years old, sweet, powerful, kind, wise, strong, loving and filled with overflowing inner understanding. His eyes look at all beings with unbearable compassion and loving kindness.
He has four arms which signify the four immeasurables – love, compassion, joy and equanimity/impartiality. His first two hands hold a wish fulfilling jewel at his heart. Light from this jewel emanates out to benefit beings without their ever knowing it. His second right hand holds a mala made of quartz which signifies his drawing beings up out of samsara. His second left hand holds a lotus symbolizing the Buddha’s absolute purity unstained by appearance emptiness. His jewels are the accomplishment of the six paramitas, his silks are all appearances as ornaments of Buddhahood. His antelope skin is a type only found in the god realms and is the seal of his perfect peace. The root lama of Chenrezig is Amitabha, Lord of Infinite Light, and he sits above his head.
A lotus and a crystal mala.
A sacred wish fulfilling jewel
A smile of empyrian peace,
And a gaze of loving kindness.
Upon his shoulder the god realm sign,
Upon his head a crown of gems,
Upon his body silken clothing,
And in his heart impartial love.
Above his head the noble victor,
Sublime Buddha of Boundless Light,
Light abounding, light cascading,
Light dissolving subtle grasping,
Brilliance flowing, all pervasive,
Interrupts the minds distortions.
Substanceless the primal wisdom,
Intangible the purest love,
Love beyond all fear or torment,
Bringing ease to every being.
Prayer: Chenrezig is the union of all sources of refuge, he is the inner joy, love and compassion of ones Guru, he is the three jewels and three roots and all sublime wisdom beings. His most abiding quality is his utter compassion for all beings, a love and kindness which is not flawed by anything and is filled with the wisdom of knowing the true needs of each being. He is perfectly free from any flaw or fault, free of all karmas. With total faith and devotion one can pray to Chenrezig. By making the seven branch offering one accumulates enormous amounts of merit and removes the causes of later practice going astray.
To Chenriezig Lord of Love
I pay homage with devotion.
I offer water, flowers, incense,
lamps, perfume, food and music.
I confess unskillful actions,
Born from ignorance’s rule.
I rejoice in ceaseless merit
Gathered through all virtuous action.
And pray you turn the sacred wheel
According to the needs of beings.
I beseech you remain please remain
And never pass beyond this realm.
Please remain for countless eons
Please remain for every being.
Whatever merit is accomplish
This I dedicate to all.
Chenrezig, Lord of Loving Eyes, whose pure white body is unstained by flaw, your rays of wisdom love pervade all realms ease the suffering of countless beings. Please hook me with your compassion, lasso me with your loving kindness, bind me with your skillful means, conquer all with wisdom bliss.
Lama Chenrezig I pray to you.
Yidam Chenrezig I pray to you.
Noble Victor Chenrezig I pray to you.
Great Protector Chenrezig I pray to you.
Lord of Love Chenrezig I pray to you.
Please bestow the blessing to ripen my mind into benefit for all precious parent beings.
In response to your prayers light radiates from Cherezig’s body and pervades space touching all sentient beings. All beings are helped in exactly the manner which they need during the recitation of mantra. Here you recite the mantra as often as possible visualizing light radiating out and touching every being.
Light pervades all appearances and yourself, everything is purified into light and purity. Rest in the knowledge that the outer world you live in is, in fact, the pure realm of Dewachen – Great Bliss. This land is purity itself and all beings who reside in it are in fact gods and goddesses. EVERY being is in fact none other than Cherezig – including you! Everything is only empty and yet appearing like wonderful wisdom magic. Everything is appearing and yet empty and can never be a source of harm of delusion. All sounds are mantras, and your thoughts and the thoughts of every being are in fact merely the play of emptiness and awareness.
The outer realm, Dewachen,
All beings gods and goddesses,
All sounds, mantra song resounding,
All mind, the mind of Chenrezig.
Light from your heart – as Chenrezig – flows out to all beings – who are Chenrezig abiding in Dewachen dissolve, like a puddle from its edges – into light. This light is absorbed into your – as Chenrezig – heart. Then you also dissolve into your heart where there is a white lotus with a moon and HRI. Then the lotus dissolves into the HRI and this dissolves into an uncharacterized luminous emptiness. Rest in this. Reappear as Chenrezig and sing dedication.
There are four essential aspects of this sadhana – 1. refuge 2. visualization of the yidam and mantra 3. resting in the nature of mind luminous and empty 4. dedication – if you practice these diligently you will discover the inherent state of Mahamudra.
Substanceless the primal wisdom,
intangible the purest love.
Appearances, my body, others,
Dissolve within the vast of wisdom,
Through this merit may I attain
Noble Chenrezig’s realized state,
And may all beings barring none,
Be accomplished in this way.